The book

Fairy Tales of the Northern Black Forest

The magical kingdom of fairies and dwarfs in the Nagold Valley

My husband, the author of this book, was inspired by fairies and dwarves and the stories of this book resulted from many long walks in the Black Forest. The book is not only for children of any age to read and read to, it's also a delight for adults to read. It's beautiful illustrations in color and black and white have been drawn by Corry May-Fischer.
While the original German book was published in 2007 the book is also available in English since 2008, translated by Stefanie Mc Duff.
The font is easy to read for children and there's also a bookmark from Feen Verlag shipped with each book.
You can read an excerpt here (also available in German).

ISBN numbers:
English version 978-3-940772-01-5
German version 978-3-940772-00-8

9,95 € plus shipping
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Export shipping: fee varies.

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